
In the context of teaching Astronomy/Astrophysics at the University, a lecture on Laboratory Astrophysics is provided every second year (at least). Informations on the lecture can be found under the following link:

Module description for the lecture ''Laboratory Astrophysics''External link

Lecturers: PD Dr. habil Cornelia Jäger/ Dr. Harald Mutschke (6 ECTS for 2SWS Vorlesung und 2SWS Übung)

Location: Astrophysical Institute and University Observatory, seminar room in the Observatory, Schillergäßchen 2

The lecture is given in English, if required.

Content of the Lecture 'Laboratory Astrophysics'

In this lecture, basics and methods of Laboratory Astrophysics is introduced. This interdisciplinary field of research is dedicated to the simulation of astrophysical processing of ions, molecules, refractory dust particles, and ices in interstellar and circumstellar environments. In addition, spectral measurements  of these species and materials are required in order to obtain reference data for the interpretation of astronomical observations.

After the introduction into the entire research area, the lectures focus on cosmic dust including the fundamentals of its observation, conditions of formation, processing by energetic irradiation, mineralogical modifications, and optical properties. The relation to dust particles of the solar system and meteorites will be demonstrated. In addition, astrochemical processes in interstellar ice layers on cosmic dust grains leading to the formation of complex and prebiotic organics will be discussed. Laboratory experiments on the measurements of spectral absorption and emission coefficients, the simulation of astrochemical processes in ices, condensation, processing, and destruction of cosmic dust  grains in astrophysical environmemets will be explained.

Students should have basic knowledge in Optics, Quantum Mechanics, and Solid Sstate Physics.

The next lecture ''Laboratory Astrophysics'' will be held in the winter semester 2024/25.